Ngati Kawa currently have kaitiaki status for Pouērua and in a recent hui, a plea was made to the Kiwikiwi Trust to support the upkeep of this maunga and historical pā site. Ngare Hauata whakapapa to this maunga and the Kiwikiwi Trust intends to form a working party in consultation with Ngati Kawa.
Pouērua is a terraced and fortified volcano, and a prominent historic pā of great significance. Between 1450 and 1600 peripheral pā appeared around the mountain.
Pouērua is considered to be an archaeological site of historical and cultural significance and value. It is a heritage site as registered with Heritage NZ and Maori Historic Council. Pouērua’s last Māori occupiers were Ngāti Rāhiri.
1. Sourced from whanau
2. New Zealand Archaeological Association
3. Sketch of Pouerua by John Johnson (c. 1839-1841) -
4. Peripheral, cattle yards pā site below Pouerua,