The 2nd edition of "Ko Wai Au - Who Am I?" is now completed and available for purchase. Liane Penney completed the updates from information received from whanau. The first edition was published in 2009 by the Kiwikiwi Whanau Charitable Trust, and edited by Your Legacy Ltd.
This book provides a history of the whanau of Remana and Alice Kiwikiwi. Remana Kiwikiwi through his mother's line, descended from Haki (Hake) Taipa, a fighthing chief of Nga Puhi, hapu/Ngare Hauata. Remana's fathers line is yet to be defined. Alice Kiwikiwi nee Cope is the grand-daughter of John Leaf and Te Rangahau. It is believed there are at least 2000 direct descendants of Remana and Arihi living in New Zealand and overseas. This book is dedicated to all of those descendants.
The cost for a soft copy of the book is $35.00 plus postage. Contact Wendy Cunningham to order a copy by email: or mobile: 027 497 1864
All other enquiries email us on